Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Beets.. Need I say more...

One of my favorite foods are beets... my Aussie roots may come into play here... even at McDonald's, there are beets on burgers, in salads.. and I love them... 
Any Salad Bar worthy of a trip must have a large supply of beets....  Here are the health benefits.

Beets are high in Vitamins and Minerals...
Potassium, Magnesium, fiber, phosphorus, iron, vitamins A,BC, Beta-carotene, beta-cyanine and folic acid. There are the main ones but there are so many more... They also work at a cleanser for the liver... 
Some of the nutrients are also used to fight depression and it is said they are nature's Viagra...

Also They are a GREAT source of Energy.. 
They are low in calories and high in sugar (BUT the sugar is released into your system slowly)

There is only one warning... You can poop and pee red and or pink.. That is normal.. but if you are not aware of this, it can cost you a bit of worry and for some with digestive issues, a trip to the er. 

So remember, when you have eaten beets... so there are no surprises the next day.. :) 

I used my spirilizer to make beet noodles.. and they were fabulous.. Remember to wear gloves.... they will stain.
Once I spirilized them, I used a little olive oil and baked them for 8 minutes at 425.. I had pesto on them... 
Ended up eating the whole beet.. It was awesome..... 
Here are the pics...

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